Caffe is installed globally on the latest linux distribution in
As there are no versions (yet?), current is a symlink to the date caffe was checkout/compiled.
This version was compiled with gpu support. Machines with nvidia graphic cards can use it with gpu. Machines without nvidia can still use it but it will crash if tried to use the gpu.
Executables are in
To link against libcaffe, one needs to add
-L/usr/local/caffe/current/lib -lcaffe
to the compiler/linker. There are both static and dynamic libraries.
To use pycaffe, /usr/local/caffe/current/python needs to be added to the path, this can either be done by setting the environment variable PYTHONPATH to /usr/local/caffe/current/python or, from within python updating sys.path
import sys
Matlab binding is installed in
matcaffe_demo should work. Note that using the gpu on machines without nvidia driver will result in the whole matlab crashing.
Examples and data are installed (some of them), but are not usable directly. To use them, they need to be copied and updated such that the paths inside them will point to the correct location.
To compile your own version of caffe, download it normally and add the following lines to the end of Makefile.config (after copied from Makefile.config.example)
BLAS := open
CUDA_DIR := /usr/local/nvidia/cuda/7.0
CXXFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags hdf5)
NVCCFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --cflags hdf5)
LDFLAGS += $(shell pkg-config --libs --cflags hdf5) -Wl,-rpath=$(CUDA_DIR)/lib64 -Wl,-rpath=$(ORIGIN)/../lib -L$(LIB_BUILD_DIR)
To compile the matlab binding, also add:
MATLAB_DIR := /usr/local/matlab/2018a
CC := gcc-4.7
CXX := g++-4.7
To compile without GPU, also add
And then continue with:
make mat
make py
make everything