The printer in each of the public student labs (aquariums) is called st. The st printers are managed by the Mafil company and can be used by everyone.
The following printers are also available for staff members and graduate students or other users who have been granted quota. See Print quota below:
Printer | Location |
mafil | Room A319 |
mafil | Room A419 |
mafil | Room B317 |
mafil | Room A519 |
mafil | Room B419 |
mafil | Room B519 |
mafil color | Room B319 |
mafil color | Room B113 (not accessible to students) |
All undergraduate (stud) UNIX accounts are configured to use the st mafil printers in the student's labs(aquariums). Other users(staff members, graduated students, etc.) can print to the printers located in the shelters on each floor.
In addition to the various graphical print utilities the following command line print utilities exist:
All print utilities provide help, if given the --help flag.
Jobs sent to printer st can be printed on any Mafil printer in public student labs(aquariums). In order to print a job, the user must either swipe a credit card or insert a special Mafil card into the device next to the printer. He will then be requested to enter an ID number. A user's Mafil ID number is initially his Mispar Zehut, but it can be changed using the lpin utility. If the user has sent more than one job, he will be able to choose which of the jobs he wishes to print. Unprinted jobs are discarded after 8 hours.
In case of a problem with any of the Mafil printers, mail system.
The Mafil controller displays the time that the job was received (hour, minute and second are separated by round closing bracket), followed by the word job followed by the job number listed by command lpq. The time shown by the controller may be a second or two later than the time shown by lpq.
Mafil cards can be bought from a dispensing machine located in Levy. Mafil cards are transferable. The number of pages remaining on the card is shown both before and after the job is printed.
Credit card accounts are debited each day for each job printed.
The price per printed side (currently 20 agurot) is shown before the job is printed. A job can be canceled while it is printing. Only the number of pages actually printed is charged. If a card is forcibly removed while a job is printing, it may happen that an extra page is charged.
The lpq utility lists jobs sent to Mafil printers, even after they have been printed. Only jobs sent over the previous 8 hours are listed. By default, only the user's own jobs are listed.
lpq will show the print job for a short time before it reaches the Print Server.
To see the list of personal current and former print jobs, a user should log in with CS username and password to the SafeQ webinterface.
Members of staff and graduate students can always print on CSE Mafil printers.
Guests of the school can print only if they have been allocated quota (and have sufficient quota for the job). Quota is normally allocated only by special request of a faculty member. The request should state the number of pages to be allocated. The faculty member should request a print quota for his students from his/her Research Grants Administrator(3rd floor).
lpr -Pmafil FILENAME
As a rule on CSE managed systems a printer called Mafil (Linux/macOS) or Mafil-PS (Windows) should be detected. If this is not the case please reboot your system, if after the reboot the printer is still not detected please contact for further support.
For devices connected over wireless networks only the Eduroam wireless network is available for printing.
We assume you are familiar with installing and managing packages on your chosen Linux system.
Y-Soft released Linux drivers in RPM and DEB format, there are 2 files provided by them that need to be installed, your system may need to resolve some dependencies to be able to install them, the files are linked in the table below.
Filename | Deb | RPM |
libcrafter | Libcrafter.deb | Libcrafter.rpm |
ysoft-client | Ysoft-client.deb | Ysoft-client.rpm |
After installing the drivers you can setup the printer, here we show how to do this in the Ubuntu 16.04 GUI but the idea is the same for any CUPS based system.
The process as describes in the following images is:
Open the printers dialog
From the printers dialog choose add
Under Network Printer choose YSoft SafeQ connected network printer and enter sqport:// as device URI
Now you need to select a driver, first choose Generic
Then choose PostScript - Generic PostScript Printer Foomatic
Now you need to add a description of the printer, this is how it will show in the various GUI programs, what you enter here is entirely your choice.
To be able to actually print you still need to set your CSE username, as root start ysoft-client-settings
Now you should be able to send jobs to the Mafil print queue.
When you print you will be asked for your CS username.
If you do not want to be asked for CS login each time you print, go to "Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Devices and Printers". Click on Mafil-PS printer and choose Print Server Properties on the top.
Go to Ports, find SafeQ Secure Port, click on Change Port Settings
Find SafeQ Secure Port, click on Configure Port
In Identification section choose Text box and write there you CS username. Click Ok.
Mac laptop users with local user name identical to their CS username do as shown on the picture.
You should be on Eduroam wireless network to use Mafil printers.
First download and install that file
Printer URL is lpd:// Configure it, as shown on the picture:
cIf there is no Advanced Icon - right click the toolbar area, choose "Customize Toolbar", right click "Advanced" and choose "Add Advanced"
If the username of mac laptop is not the same as your CS login first download and install that file , after that install the printer as shown below. For Big Sur OS install Big Sur file .
While you are on Eduroam wireless network, configure the printer as following sqport://
When you print there will be a pop-up asking for your CS username and password.
If you do not want to enter CS username each time you print -
Go to System Preferences, Ysoft SafeQ. Choose "Text" for Identification, enter your CS username. Remove "V" from Web Based Ysoft SafeQ applications.
The printer should be added by its IP or hostname. You might need to install the driver for the printer, most of printers will accept HP Universal Driver(PostScript).
At the Add Printer Wizard choose "The printer that I want isn't listed". Choose - "Add a printer using TCP/IP address or hostname" and follow the setup with default values.
Mafil printers:
If the magnetic card is not with you today. A PIN can be issued for temporal(1 day) identification at the Printer Controller.
Log in with CS uername and password to
Use Generate PIN option to create a PIN for use.
The pin will be active for one day.